Haven't used this blog in awhile BUT.....figured I would post that my new site is up, please visit www.evanwallis.com for new work and a new blog link. Enjoy!
Earlier this year I had worked with Shoebacca, an online shoe retailer, and made two videos for a monthly brand promotion, the first was for Puma shoes, and the other was for Creative Recreation.
For the Puma video, one of the buyers at Shoebacca suggested a group of breakdancers whom they had do some of their routine for an event Shoebacca was holding. I got a hold of Chris Cortez of the Vicious Germz Crew based in Houston, who participate and sponsor in dance battles all over the country, and they came to the warehouse in Iriving, TX where Shoebacca is located, and we got some awesome footage of their moves. These guys were extremely creative and talented individuals, it was amazing to work with them on this. The shoot lasted all day and these guys continued to step up and give us amazing material to work with. My friend Sam Fleishman helped out with this with some ideas to get some great camera movements to showcase these guys at their best.
For the second video we got a parkour-style free runner to be our stuntman for a video for Creative Recreation. Our idea was to have this guy who is going to be late for a meeting, and he is presented with no other option than to just run to work in these Creative Recreation shoes. This was a lot of fun to shoot, I always love photographing in Dallas, so it made the location work very comfortable and I thought we got some great stuff. For the video we had Jonathan Tapp perform the running and stunts, and he was also great to colaborate with and helped make the video a lot of fun to work on. Sam was here to help again, as was my friend Brad Thompson who had a knack for working with the Glidecam we had rented to get the camera to remain level and ready to shoot. Video shoots are a lot more intense than photographing and it was great to see what this video stuff is all about. The Glidecam was awesome to have for this, but after wearing it all day the best part was just taking it off for good. I'd definitely try it again though.
So JPG Magazine is holding a competition and I just entered my portfolio for a chance to win $10,000 or a year of rent-free living in New York. Pretty nice prizes in this contest. They also have a People's Choice awards based on viewer ratings of the portfolios, so if anyone out there is interested in helping me out, visit http://www.artistswanted.org/etwphoto and rate my portfolio! I'm proud of the work I put in but there are a lot of entries in this contest and some really great images, so any help would be greatly appreciated. New work coming soon!
This shot was from March, they wanted something for baseball season, I called a place called D-Bat in Addison and found someone willing to let me photograph them with these shoes. Thought it turned out great, check out www.dbat.net for info on the facility
These are from a trip out photographing for Shoebacca.com, for a new brand they're carrying called Keen. Apparently they're awesome and comfortable hiking hybrid shoes. They were fun to photograph, that's for sure.
After having photographed in Dealey Plaza a few times I finally visited the Sixth Floor Museum and took the audio tour. I got to see the supposed site of where Lee Harvey Oswald shot the President, and the next day I went down and photographed the photos below, hope to add more soon.
Recently I photographed Pastor Malachi Haines at his home in Plano for a magazine called Apostolic Living. It was a fun experience, he and his family were very enjoyable and I had a great time.